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If An Emergency Happened Right Now … Could You Find Your Important Documents?

If you’re like many busy people, you probably have important documents like wills, important account information, and critical documents stashed away here and there in drawers and boxes…but probably not as organized as they should be.

In fact, US News and World Report found that the average American spends a whole year of their life looking for misplaced or lost items at home and in the office.

Having your documents organized and easily accessible is important, both for planning your finances … and being ready for the unexpected.

PlanSecurely makes it easy to store all of your vital information … and share it with your
loved ones and estate planners when they need it most.


Login anytime and anywhere to manage your documents and plan. Bank-level security and encryption is used to protect all of your data.


PlanSecurely makes it easy to connect with local financial and estate planning experts to help you in the life organization process.


Connect key family members, colleagues or friends to your PlanSecurely account, so everyone knows your wishes in case of an emergency or death and can assist in managing your affairs.